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What Does Bond Forfeiture Mean?

What does bond forfeiture mean, well a bail bond is an amount of money, or value of property, determined by the court for arrestees or defendants to ensure their appearance at court on scheduled dates. Those with money can personally cover this amount so they can be...

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The True “Face” and Price of Tax Evasion and Fraud

The True “Face” and Price of Tax Evasion and Fraud

You won't to find a person who will happily declare, “I love paying taxes.” Despite the fact that taxes support the government, so it’s able to ensure the progress of the nation, it’s not an expense that people automatically see the benefits of. Of course, news of...

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Drug Charges & Penalties in CA

Drug Charges & Penalties in CA

Drug possession is a serious offense, even in California which is recognized as one of the most liberal states. Before discussing drug charges and penalties, it is worthwhile to have an overview of the pertinent laws. "The federal government has spent over $4 billion...

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Using a Bondsman for a First DUI Offense

Using a Bondsman for a First DUI Offense

Drinking under the influence is a serious offense even if it’s your first time. You will be taken to jail and “booked,” which basically will put you in the following situations: All your particulars will be recorded by the police. Your personal possessions will be...

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Speeding Ticket: What To Do When Pulled Over

Speeding Ticket: What To Do When Pulled Over

You're casually driving, singing along to your favorite jams, when you notice a police car signaling you to pull over. You're getting a speeding ticket. You didn't notice that you were driving over the speed limit. What should you do in this situation? California's...

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Reach Out Today

For all-day and all-night expertise, contact Eight Ball Bail Bonds today. We will discuss the specifics of your case and will help you learn more about what you can do and how we can best support you.

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