Sober Driver Service

Hire a Sober Driver Service and Avoid Getting Arrested for DUI

In California, drunk driving laws are generally similar to those across the United States. The standard restriction indicates that a person over 21 years of age is prohibited from driving when there is a concentration of .08 percent of alcohol or more in their blood system. A way to avoid getting arrested for a DUI would be to hire a Sober Driver Service.

Provided below is a list of other illegal activities related to drunk driving more reason to hire a sober driver service:

  • Drivers under 18 driving with any measurable blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
  • Drivers under 21 carrying unsealed liquor, beer or wine in the vehicle while driving alone
  • Drivers under 21 with a AC of .01 percent or higher
  • Drivers under 21 consuming prescription drugs and alcohol in whatever form (this includes cough syrup)
  • Drivers of any vehicle requiring a commercial driver license with a BAC of .04 percent or higher
  • Repeat offenders driving with a BAC of .01 percent or higher

When you get arrested in California for driving under the influence (DUI), you will be taken into police custody in order to be booked or processed. This means that the police officer will take your personal information, record information about your alleged crime, search for your criminal background records (if any), take your photograph and fingerprints, search your person, confiscate personal property (such as your bag and keys) to be returned upon your release, and place you in a holding cell in your local police station or jail.

Your priority, when taken into custody as a DUI suspect, is to get out. Your options for obtaining pre-arraignment release would be through an “Own Recognizance” or OR release or through posting bail.

What you need to know about posting bail

With bail, you are allowed to pay money in exchange for your release from police custody. Your release comes with the condition that you will appear in court for every scheduled criminal proceedings related to your case. You may be allowed to post bail immediately at the police station, or a judge may decide later whether you will be allowed release on bail. The bail amount you need to pay can be predetermined with the help of a bail schedule or it can be set by the judge based on factors like your DUI record and criminal history, the gravity of your DUI offense, and your ties to your family members, your community, and your employment.

In the event that you or your relatives and friends are unable to pay the bail amount, you can post a bail bond instead. This is a written guarantee that the full bail amount will be paid if you fail to appear as promised. You need to get in touch with a reputable bail bond agency that can post the bond for you for a fee (typically, around 10 percent of the bail amount). The firm may also require collateral before posting the bail bond; this is because the firm will shoulder the full bail amount if you jump bail or fail to appear for your criminal proceedings.

 Staying away from trouble with a Sober Driver Service 

In order to avoid being arrested for DUI in the first place, it pays to be mindful of your local laws to keep from committing illegal acts while behind the wheel.

One of the best ways to be responsible about your drinking and driving habits is to hire a designated driving service. If drinking is a part of your lifestyle, you can opt to use this service so that you can go home or from place to place after enjoying alcoholic drinks without putting yourself and other people in danger.

A sober driving service can help you get home safely in different ways. For example, one service may send two people to wherever you are; one drives you home using your own car, while the other follows in their car. After dropping you and your car off, they will then ride off together in their car. Alternatively, some companies may send someone with a foldable scooter. He will drive you home in your car, with this scooter stowed in your trunk. After getting you home, he unpacks the scooter from your trunk and rides away.

Using a Sober Driver Service allows you to consume alcohol and get home without incident, thus avoiding arrests for DUI and the tedious process of arranging your release from jail and settling your case.

Click here for information on where to find Us Eight Ball Bail Bonds.

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