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How Much Does a Surety Bond Cost?

How Much Does a Surety Bond Cost?

If you need to get yourself or a loved one out of jail on bail, then you’ve probably been assured that a release is possible on a surety bail bond, but what is the Surety Bond Cost? The surety bond definition in relation to bail is a contractual undertaking guaranteed...

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How Bail Bonds Payment Plans Work

How Bail Bonds Payment Plans Work

It is tough to successfully navigate the steps involved in an arrest. Bail Bonds Payment Plans can all be scary and overwhelming. At the very least, you know that the option of bail is there, so you won’t have to spend too much time in jail if you can take care of it....

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Keeping Holiday Parties DUI-Free

Keeping Holiday Parties DUI-Free

As we near the end of the year, there will be lots of holiday parties to go to. You may even find yourself hosting one. "Nothing puts a damper on the festivities more than a DUI arrest, so here are some “How to Avoid a DUI” tips for both party guests and hosts." If...

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Fifth Amendment Due Process and Other Details

Fifth Amendment Due Process and Other Details

The Fifth Amendment Due Process and various details was included in the Bill of Rights added to the US Constitution on December 15, 1791. These are the very words now stated in the Constitution: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous...

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Minimum Terms for DWI Charges

Minimum Terms for DWI Charges

DWI Charges; Driving While Intoxicated can lead to dire consequences. Apart from the potential damage to property, you can endanger lives — both yours and other road users’. In California, the DUI or drunk driving laws are expressly stated in the Vehicle Code section...

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Three Bail Bond Questions Frequently Asked

Three Bail Bond Questions Frequently Asked

Bail Bond Questions are frequently asked because many people do not have a clear idea of how a bail bond works; often, people just learn about what it is for when they find themselves or a loved one on the opposite side of the law. Basically, a bail bond is a written...

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Reach Out Today

For all-day and all-night expertise, contact Eight Ball Bail Bonds today. We will discuss the specifics of your case and will help you learn more about what you can do and how we can best support you.

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